World phenomena
Sample schools have implemented every form of World Phenomena with our coordinators, involving over 440 pupils in testing.
In the 2019/2020 school year, all these schools in Slovak Republic are included in the World Phenomena list as a continuous accompanying teaching.
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Sabinov
Komenského 13, Sabinov
Principal: Mgr. Peter Haas
Project coordinators: Mgr. Katarína Kurucová, RNDr. Zuzana Hanudelová
Implementation: Thematic week
Phenomenon: Water
Year: 5th / 5.B
Number of pupils: 29
Implementation: New subject & project week
Phenomenon: Water, Air
Year: 5th / 5.A, 5.B, 6.B
Number of pupils: 90
Primary School, Sabinov
Komenského 13, Sabinov
School vision
„Life is learning, and learning is life.“
Basic information
The primary school is one of the most important in the Sabinov district – at 50 year old, the second-largest in the district with 600 pupils, and with a wide catchment area. The school has a sports class and sports departments so is a strong competitor at national sports competitions. It targets innovation, experiences, interest, and modern technologies in education. Its greatest success are alumni that hold important public positions and high managerial positions.
Primary School, Sabinov
Komenského 13, Sabinov
We joined the project because it’s great for children and teachers. Colleagues liked the idea and were eager to participate.
RNDr. Zuzana Hanudelová
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Grammar school, Poprad
Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
Principal: PaedDr. Vladimír Lajčák, PhD.
Project coordinators: PaedDr. Beáta Taylorová, PhD., Ing. Daniela Kopinská
Implementation: Included in subjects
Phenomenon: Water
Year: 4th
Number of pupils: 28
Implementation: New subject
Phenomenon: Water, Sun, Air, Culture, Communication
Year: 3rd, 4th
Number of pupils: 57
Grammar school, Poprad
Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
School vision
„Our school will teach you to think.“
Basic information
For the third consecutive year this has been the most sought-after school in Prešov and one of the most successful in Slovakia. In addition to quality education, it also offers pupils self-realisation through various project activities to acquire key competences for university and life. The school has almost 600 pupils in 8-year and 4-year grammar school study, and 4-year sport-oriented grammar school study. The school offers extensive languages: English, French, Russian, German, Spanish and Italian.
Grammar school, Poprad
Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad
Our experience with previous successful projects, which always provided maximum support including methodological materials for language assistants and teachers, has been a significant contributor to engaging in another project from your range.
PaedDr. Beáta Taylorová, PhD.
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Púchov
Mládežnícka 1434/16, Púchov
Principal: Mgr. Andrea Kurtinová
Project coordinators: Mgr. Katarína Šalamúnová, Ing. Gabriela Marečková
Implementation: Included in subjects
Phenomenon: Water
Year: 7th / 7.A
Number of pupils: 19
Implementation: New subject, Optional course
Phenomenon: Water, Culture, Communication
Year: 9th / 9.A, optional course
Number of pupils: 112
Primary School, Púchov
Mládežnícka 1434/16, Púchov
School vision
„A pupil is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit. J.A. Komenský“
Basic information
The school provides quality education to all children with an emphasis on natural sciences, innovative teaching practices, personal development and independent thinking using modern communication and information technology. Our educational activities prepare pupils for life by enabling them to think critically and creatively, and solve problems effectively. We have almost 600 pupils in 26 classes from the 1st to 9th year.
Primary School, Púchov
Mládežnícka 1434/16, Púchov
We were attracted by the opportunity to use unique educational materials including videos from the BBC and the World Phenomena Expedition with young YouTuber Bača.
Mgr. Katarína Šalamúnová
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Teodor Jozef Mousson Primary School, Michalovce
T. J. Moussona 4, Michalovce
Principal: Mg. Valéria Kocúrová
Project coordinators: Mgr. Lenka Paľová, Mgr. Jana Sýkorová
Implementation: Included in subjects
Phenomenon: Water
Year: 7th / 7.B
Number of pupils: 28
Implementation: New subject + optional course
Phenomenon: Water, Sun, Air, Culture, Communication
Year: 5th / 5.A, 7th / 7.A
Number of pupils: 48
Teodor Jozef Mousson Primary School, Michalovce
T. J. Moussona 4, Michalovce
School vision
„Visualisation, complexity, interconnection of theory and practice, experiential and interdisciplinary teaching are our domains in teaching.“
Basic information
T. J. Mousson Primary School educates 520 pupils in 22 classes. In addition to two foreign languages from the 1st year, pupils also learn informatics. The primary school also runs the Slniečko dance ensemble in age categories from 6 to 20 years with over 220 children every week.
Teodor Jozef Mousson Primary School, Michalovce
T. J. Moussona 4, Michalovce
We see the World Phenomena Expedition project as an opportunity to revive traditional teaching with new features. Especially pupils with learning difficulties can engage in the learning process in an interesting way using these non-traditional methods.
Mgr. Lenka Paľová
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Bošany
Školská 14, Bošany
Principal: RNDr. Jana Kontúrová
Project coordinators: Mgr. Dana Vlasáková
Implementation: New subject
Phenomenon: Sun
Year: 5th / 5.A, 5.B
Number of pupils: 59
Implementation: New subject
Phenomenon: Water, Sun, Air, Culture, Communication
Year: 5th / 5.A, 5.B; 9th / 9.A, 9.B
Number of pupils: 78
Primary School, Bošany
Školská 14, Bošany
School vision
„Our school is geared towards increasing everyone's chances of future success.“
Basic information
Bošany Primary School has 380 pupils in 19 classes. The school educational program is called Active school - teaching pupils to be active, creative, creative, inquisitive, critical, argue, think in context, and work in a team. The school’s general focus stresses a balanced education in all areas, especially technology. The school became visible thanks to the nationwide projects ‘School at Touch’ and ‘Notebook For Each Pupil’. One of its biggest advantages is the courage to innovate with strong educational potential.
Primary School, Bošany
Školská 14, Bošany
World Phenomena presents a new perspective on how pupils share and understand information. Learning and thinking in context is what our children will gain.
Mgr. Dana Vlasáková
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Nováky
Pribinova ul. 123/9, Nováky
Principal: Mgr. Viera Pechová
Project coordinators: Mgr. Jana Ťažiarová, Mgr. Miroslava Závadská
Implementation: New subject
Phenomenon: Culture
Year: 5th / 5.A, 5.B, 5.C
Number of pupils: 59
Implementation: New subject
Primary School, Nováky
Pribinova ul. 123/9, Nováky
School vision
„We are working to develop pupils’ capabilities for a successful future life.“
Basic information
Pribinova Primary School in Nováky began in 1951. In 2018/2019, 385 pupils were enrolled in 19 classes. The school strives to educate pupils towards independence, responsibility, teamwork, perceive, accept differences and apply moral values in practical life. Teachers are involved in various innovative projects. The school also sorts waste, collects used oil, plastic caps, toothbrushes, and electrical waste, and it also composts.
Primary School, Nováky
Pribinova ul. 123/9, Nováky
I was immediately interested in the World Phenomena project as it also includes BBC videos and I teach English language. At the same time, I enjoy new challenges. The school board opted for education through the new school subject ‘Research’. I am interested in physics, culture, books, and documents in general - so this was a dream come true. Our education system lacks this - linking topics, languages, cultures, etc. Education should be comprehensive rather than partial. I know that teaching will be experiential for children and also for me.
Mgr. Miroslava Závadská
About the school
Why did they get involved?
J. J. Thurzo Primary School, Detva
A. Bernoláka 20, Detva
Principal: Mgr. Bohuslav Ilavský
Project coordinators: Mgr. Gabriela Kuklišová, Mgr. Eva Kuráková
Implementation: Included in subjects
Phenomenon: Communication
Year: 9th / 9.C
Number of pupils: 28
Implementation: Included in subjects & Project week
Phenomenon: Water, Sun, Air, Culture, Communication
J. J. Thurzo Primary School, Detva
A. Bernoláka 20, Detva
School vision
„To ensure pupils’ best possible preparation in foreign languages with a focus on communication and ability.“
Basic information
Július Juraj Thurzo Primary School in Detva was established in 1979. It has cca 400 pupils in 19 classes. As the only school in Detva and one of the few in Slovakia, the school adopted the ‘School 21’ project with expert guarantors T. Piovarčiová and D. Halašová with the support of the S. Kovaliková Association. This Managed Change aims to introduce and develop life skills, apply principles of highly effective learning based on brain research and respectful communication, build a safe and enriching environment, and educate employees in current approaches.
J. J. Thurzo Primary School, Detva
A. Bernoláka 20, Detva
Nothing in life works in isolation. This project has shown that innovation starts from the teacher’s thinking and approach.
Mgr. Gabriela Kuklišová
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Nitra
Benkova 34, Nitra
Principal: Mgr. Aneta Galová
Project coordinators: Mgr. Mária Bernáthová, PaedDr. Róbert Harmata, PaedDr. Henrieta Horičková, PhD.
Implementation: Thematic week
Phenomenon: Air
Year: 6th
Number of pupils: 15
Implementation: New subject & Project week
Phenomenon: Water, Sun, Air, Culture, Communication
Year: 5.T, 5.U, 7., 8., 9. grade
Number of pupils: 110
Primary School, Nitra
Benkova 34, Nitra
School vision
„To educate decent, empathetic, creative people with excellent results in both humanities and natural sciences, with a very good knowledge of foreign languages as well as skills in information and communications technology.“
Basic information
Benkova 34 Primary School in Nitra is a housing estate school attended by 933 pupils - all schoolrooms (49 classrooms, 9 computer and tablet classrooms) are fully utilised. One computer room is earmarked for the training and implementation of the project into the teaching process. We focus on strengthening natural science education and informatics with foreign language education and informatics from the 1st year. The school also educates pupils with general intellectual talent.
Primary School, Nitra
Benkova 34, Nitra
Given the attraction, innovation and technological maturity of the World Phenomena Expedition project, we wanted to participate in it. Outstanding and unique BBC videos, high-quality interactive exercises, a modern concept of teaching without dividing into subjects, looking at the phenomenon as a whole from different angles and perspectives, excellent methodological materials and lesson themes, and teaching aids for groups guarantee quality. The World Phenomena Expedition can draw a pupil into a problem in the wider context - becoming a member of the expedition seeking solutions through cooperation while unaware the tasks are being solved in a cross-curricular way focusing on problem solving, which is exactly the innovative perspective. That the subjects overlap is new for teachers and is a challenge we relish.
Mgr. Róbert Harmata, PaedDr. Henrieta Horičková, PhD.
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Banská Bystrica
Trieda SNP 20, Banská Bystrica
Principal: PaedDr. Jarmila Buková
Project coordinators: Mgr. Lenka Harvanová, Mgr. Gabriel Stach
Implementation: Included in subjects
Phenomenon: Communication
Year: 9th
Number of pupils: 28
Implementation: Included in subjects
Phenomenon: Water
Year: 5th – 9th
Primary School, Banská Bystrica
Trieda SNP 20, Banská Bystrica
School vision
„A school that prepares pupils for independent and active participation in life through knowledge acquisition, foreign language skills, developing environmental awareness and computer literacy.“
Basic information
The school performs profiling based on the needs of modern society, the expanding labour market - foreign languages, computer literacy as an essential part of everyone's skills, and increased employability. The staffing and technical equipment of the school enable the set goals to be met. The location of the school and the qualifications of teachers allow active work in the environmental field. Those who understand and are conscious of relationships in nature will better understand the social and economic context. In this sense, the school educates more than 400 pupils in the 1st to 9th years.
Primary School, Banská Bystrica
Trieda SNP 20, Banská Bystrica
Being involved in the World Phenomena project is an opportunity to make teaching more attractive for our pupils and teachers. Using the project’s modern methods, activities and videos, we can increase pupils' interest in education and open new perspectives on current topics while enriching traditional teaching. Many young people including pupils at our school watch YouTubers that often become their inspiration or idol. And this project presents a great and interesting opportunity to involve our pupils in knowledge challenges with YouTuber Bača, who will guide them through various world destinations and motivate them to compete for a prize – a discovery expedition to the Norwegian fjords.
Mgr. Lenka Harvanová, Mgr. Gabriel Stach
About the school
Why did they get involved?
Primary School, Bratislava
Karloveská 61, Bratislava
Principal: Mgr. Eva Horníková
Project coordinators: Mgr. Zuzana Kubovčíková
Implementation: Thematic week
Phenomenon: Sun, Water, Air, Communication, Culture
Year: 5th to 9th
Number of pupils: 207
Primary School, Bratislava
Karloveská 61, Bratislava
School vision
„We perceive learning as getting to know the world in which we live. We encourage children to know their value, make positive use of their qualities, and act fairly.“
Basic information
Karloveská 61 Primary School opened on 1 September 1969. Since the academic year 1991/1992 it has focused on foreign language teaching and since 2001/2002 also on informatics - it has nine years and 18 classes.
Primary School, Bratislava
Karloveská 61, Bratislava
The main reason was good experience with previous projects (My First School, Small Financial Academy, Mission Blue Planet) from EDULAB for the 1st level. Teachers received methodological procedures for activities. I wanted 2nd level teachers to also do the cross-sectional teaching.
Mgr. Eva Horníková
Start teaching in an innovative, attractive and experiential way today
Order the World Phenomena educational materials package for your school and get everything to start teaching a new school subject immediately.